Pathways (The Kingdom Chronicles Book 1) Page 26
The king’s jaw tightened. “Maybe not, but there’s tradition, and it’s a tradition that we’ll maintain, especially when your choice is a peasant.” He advanced another step further, eyes flashing, like a tiger on the prowl who meant to devour me. My blood chilled. “You tell me you’re not a spy and you don’t want to be a princess. What other possible motivation do you have to infiltrate the palace at the risk of your life should you be caught?”
I looked up at Aiden. “I love him.”
The king snorted. “What does love have to do with his duties and obligations as the crown prince? His responsibility is to find a suitable wife to be Queen of Sortileya. And you, as a commoner, are not suited.”
I clutched Aiden’s hand more tightly. “Your Majesty, I swear, I never wanted to be a princess; I only wanted Aiden.” The thought of being queen caused my stomach to churn.
“You cannot have him,” the king said. “I’ll hear no more of this. Deidric, you’ll proceed to the ball at once and choose your wife from among the many eligible women in attendance.”
“Father, you can’t force me into an unwanted marriage,” Aiden said. “If I’m not allowed to marry Eileen, then I’ll not marry at all. Your royal line will die with me, and the throne will pass to Oscar.”
The king’s eye twitched. “My inept nephew will bring the kingdom to ruin.”
“Furthermore,” Aiden continued, “having a queen with Eileen’s common background will not only provide the monarchy with a unique and invaluable perspective on how to better rule our people, but it will also appease our subjects. Her natural compassion will make her a benevolent and beloved ruler.”
The king frowned, considering. “There has been some restlessness amongst some of the poorer villages…perhaps your marriage to her will help defuse the situation.” For an entire minute, the two stared one another down before the king softened at Aiden’s pleading expression. “You love her?”
“More than anything,” Aiden said fiercely.
The king nodded. “Very well.” He straightened back into his regal posture. “I refuse to allow my royal line to die or my kingdom to suffer from an inept rule. You’ve left me no choice. Against my better judgement, for the good of the kingdom, I grant my permission for you to marry this commoner.”
My heart lifted and Aiden’s arm around me tightened with his own relief. “Thank you, Father.”
A timid knock at the door announced the arrival of a footman. “Forgive the interruption, Your Majesty, but many of the guests are questioning your absence, as well as the absence of the crown prince.”
The king sighed. “Undoubtedly, rumors are already spreading as to why my son hasn’t yet shown up to fulfill his duty for the final task.”
“I couldn’t say, Your Majesty,” the servant stuttered.
“Inform our guests that we’ll be there shortly.” The king waved him out. The footman departed with a bow, and Aiden glanced back at the king.
“There’s no more purpose for this ball; I’ve already chosen my bride.”
“Regardless of your choice, you’ll fulfill your duty as crown prince and see this competition through till the end.”
Aiden bowed. “I understand. Thank you, Your Majesty.”
Muttering darkly to himself, the king strode from the room, followed closely by his entourage of advisors and guards, leaving behind Princess Seren, whose initial gleeful smirk had twisted into a glower. Aiden’s hardened persona returned as he glared at his sister.
“You’ve gone too far this time, Seren,” he said. “I warned you not to interfere, especially when you know I’ve been your only ally against the arranged betrothal you detest so much.”
I rested my hand on his arm, a warning not to allow his dark persona to overcome him. He took a deep, calming breath before turning back to his sister.
“Treat Eileen with respect; otherwise I’d suggest you prepare for your voyage.”
Princess Seren’s haughty disdain melted away and her face paled. Without another word, Aiden escorted me from the room. I followed in a daze. My head was spinning with all that had transpired. Aiden was the Dark Prince. His father, the king, was allowing us to be married. All the fears and worries of the past week melted away. Despite my fears of being caught coming to pass, I’d somehow escaped the consequences. Aiden had protected me, just as he’d promised.
I knew that it would only be one of many promises he’d keep throughout our life together, and our path—despite the obstacles we’d faced since we’d first met—now lay open before us.
Chapter 25
When we were several paces away from the throne room, I released my pent-up breath. Aiden tugged me into an alcove and held my hands against his heart, his gaze earnest. “Are you alright, Eileen?”
I nodded as I nestled close, right against his settling heartbeat. “You kept your promise.”
“I’d never let anything happen to you. I can’t lose you.” He pressed a soft kiss on the back of each hand.
“Unfortunately, I’m not out of danger yet. I may have survived the gallows, but I may not live through the ball.”
“Is there any doubt you won’t after the detailed tutelage from your skilled dancing instructor?”
I giggled breathlessly, feeling slightly giddy with the feelings of relief coursing through me. For the first time since arriving at the palace, the constant cloud of worry over being discovered for who I truly was had vanished along with all my fears and reservations, leaving only the sweet feelings I felt for Aiden.
“Will you save a dance for your prized pupil?”
“I’ll save you every one I’m not obligated to give to the other participants.” He played with my fingers, his gaze fixated to mine. “There’s so much I need to say to you, so many apologies and explanations, but there isn’t time now. I promise I’ll explain everything soon.”
I nodded, believing him. How wonderful it felt to trust him.
He kissed me, smiling against my lips. “Then, my dear, you should quickly prepare for the ball, where the crown prince will at last reveal his choice to the court.”
I grinned slyly. “Does this mean I won the competition?”
He laughed and embraced me. “You won before it even started. It was never a contest, merely a formality to appease my father.”
“You did more than that—you somehow convinced him we should be allowed to marry.” I hooked my arms around his neck and beamed up at him. “What payment do I owe you for that triumph?”
“Hmm, I haven’t actually thought about it.” He considered before grinning mischievously. “How about your firstborn child?”
I laughed. “You only want my firstborn? It seems fitting I share them all with you.”
“Deal.” He gave me an affectionate squeeze before releasing me and escorting me to my room.
“So, Deidric, is it?” I asked with a teasing smile. His cheeks blushed crimson and he rolled his eyes.
“No, please, I hate that name. It was my father’s choice, and my middle name, Aiden, was my mother’s. All my close friends call me Aiden.” He paused outside my door and raised my hand to kiss it softly. “I’ll see you soon. Don’t keep your prince waiting.”
“I won’t,” I whispered breathlessly. After giving my fingers an assuring squeeze, he departed. I watched him disappear down the hallway before I slipped inside my room, where Alaina awaited me, expression frantic.
“Oh, thank goodness,” she tittered. “I’ve been so worried about you. The ball has been going on for ages. We have to get you ready.”
She bustled over to tug off my dress and replace it with a violet satin ballgown with silver trim. “I hope you’re not too late,” she said as she plopped me in front of the vanity to fuss with my hair. “I daresay the crown prince has danced with every eligible lady by now and has made his choice.”
My lips twitched. He had made his choice, and it was me. I pressed my hand to my heart as if the gesture could keep my happiness from swelling to bursting.
Alaina had me readied in record time. Guard Alastar awaited me outside the door. He gave me a shy half-smile that revealed he knew everything had worked out between me and Aiden. I returned it, mine full of giddy relief. How everything had changed. My bubbling joy along with the absence of worry felt wonderful.
He offered me his arm. “May I escort you, Princess Eileen?”
For the first time, the title no longer felt wrong, but a part of me. I accepted his arm and allowed him to lead me down to the gilded ballroom, swarming with crowds of nobility dressed in their finery, swaying to the soft, twirling music of a waltz.
I slipped inside and took in the glistening chandeliers casting golden patterns that danced across the marble floor. The flowers’ perfume tickled my senses as I searched the room for Aiden. I didn’t find him, but my gaze caught those of the king and Princess Seren sitting on a raised platform, glaring pointedly. I hastily looked away.
“There you are, Gemma.” The Dracerian royalty bombarded me. Princess Elodie immediately looped her arm through mine. “Where have you been? We’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“Fashionably late, a genius tactic in this quest for the Dark Prince’s hand,” Prince Liam said with a wink. Princess Aveline wrinkled her nose.
“She’s far too late to be fashionable. Why, she arrived after Prince Deidric.”
I wrinkled my nose at his formal name, even as my heart fluttered at her reference to my Aiden. “Where is the prince?” I returned to scanning the dance floor, crowded with waltzing couples.
“There.” Princess Rheanna pointed towards Aiden, who was dancing with a noblewoman with gliding movements and the most proper of expressions, no emotion in his eyes—until he twirled his partner around and his gaze settled on me. He lit up and I smiled in return. We stared at one another for a beautiful moment before Aiden reluctantly tore his gaze away.
“Well, that was interesting.” Prince Liam gave me a knowing look. “Do you two know each other?”
I smiled shyly. “Certainly. Prince Aiden and I are good friends.”
“Prince Aiden?” Princess Elodie giggled. “He rarely gives anyone permission to use his middle name; he didn’t even grant it to Rhea, and they were engaged for years.”
Princess Rheanna blushed and lowered her eyes.
Prince Liam leaned in close with a cheeky grin. “It appears you’ve been cheating by meeting with the Dark Prince in secret. Another brilliant tactic.”
Princess Elodie beamed. “Ooh, have you captured the Dark Prince’s heart? I suppose that means he actually has a heart, doesn’t it?”
Prince Liam rolled his eyes. “I don’t understand all the rumors surrounding him. Am I right, Gemma?”
Gemma…now that the competition was over, at last I could tell them the truth. “I’m actually not Princess Gemma of Malvagaria. My name is Eileen. I’m a common girl from a tiny village. Aiden and I met and…” I shrugged.
They all stared at me in disbelief. Prince Liam reacted first, his face breaking into a wide grin. “Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Sneaking into the Princess Competition to nab a prince for your husband? Genius.” He winked and the tension that had been tightening my chest slowly eased.
Princess Aveline’s nose wrinkled at me as if she now deemed me unworthy to stand in her presence, but Princess Rheanna offered a shy smile, and Princess Elodie once more looped her arm through mine. “How romantic. This entire competition makes more sense now.” She bounced on her heels. “Look, the dance is ending. Perhaps Deidric will claim you for the next one?”
Aiden escorted his partner off the dance floor and immediately headed in our direction. Before he reached us, Princess Lavena intercepted him with an exaggerated curtsy. Disappointment and annoyance flashed across Aiden’s expression before he reined his emotions back behind his rigid, polite mask. He bowed to Princess Lavena and led her onto the dance floor.
“Excellent.” Prince Liam rubbed his hands together. “If I’m lucky enough, Lavena’s delightful charm will win Aiden over.”
Even though I didn’t doubt his devotion, jealousy still flared in my heart, sharp and prickling, as I watched Princess Lavena’s exaggerated smiles and coy expressions throughout their dance. Aiden’s polite expression tightened in annoyance.
Throughout the dance, Prince Liam quietly chanted beside me. “Please pick her, please pick her, please pick her…”
As if he heard Prince Liam’s pleas from across the room, Aiden glanced over with a raised eyebrow. Prince Liam clasped his hands together imploringly. Aiden smirked and subtly shook his head before his gaze slid to me, smoldering, causing my heart to flip-flop.
Princess Elodie sighed. “He’s looking at you as if you’re his other half. His choice has obviously been made; it appears the contest is over.”
I grinned girlishly.
“As wonderful as Eileen is, I’m convinced it’s Princess Lavena he wants,” Prince Liam said, sounding pathetically desperate.
“Why would he want her when you don’t?” Princess Aveline asked.
“While her only suitable match is a fellow ogre, I’m hoping Aiden has recently suffered a blow to the head that renders him temporarily insane.”
“He’s chosen Eileen. Isn’t it obvious?” Princess Elodie’s smile brightened as she leaned in close. “Do tell us how it happened.”
“We met before the competition. We fell in love, but in order to be together, first he had to break off…” I warily eyed Princess Rheanna, whose eyes had lowered once more. I gently took her hands. “I’m so sorry I’m the cause of your broken engagement. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
She took a long, wavering breath as she looked up. “I’m not mourning him, for I’ve never been in love with him. It’s just…” She stared unseeing at Aiden dancing with Princess Lavena. “It’s rather humiliating that I wasn’t good enough for him.”
Princess Elodie wrapped her arm around her sister just as the waltz came to an end. Aiden escorted Princess Lavena towards us.
“Liam, Princess Lavena was just telling me how eager she is to dance with you next.” His expression remained stoic while laughter filled his eyes.
Princess Lavena blanched and Prince Liam glared at him. “Unfortunately, I’ve already promised the next three dances to my dear sisters. Haven’t I?” He gave each of them a pleading look. Princess Elodie giggled as she accepted his arm.
“Certainly, Liam.” She stood on tiptoe towards his ear. “But you’ll owe me a week’s worth of desserts.”
“For this rescue, make it a year’s worth.”
Princess Lavena—looking just as relieved as Prince Liam to have wriggled out of a dance with her intended—slipped away.
Aiden smiled warmly at me as he held his hand out. “You look beautiful, my dear. May I have this dance, Princess Eileen?” His grin broadened. “I could call you that forever.”
I rested my hand in his and he pulled me towards him, wrapping his arms around me to hold me close, far closer than he’d held his previous partners, a gesture that announced I was his choice. I sensed everyone’s gazes fixated on us and felt my face heat.
“Aiden, everyone is staring.”
“Let them stare. They’ll know by the end of the ball you’re to be my queen, hence I see no reason to resist my affections for you just to keep it a secret for a bit longer.” He pressed the tenderest kiss on my brow.
“Confident I won’t change my mind, are you?”
He jerked back, eyes worried. “Have you?”
I immediately regretted my teasing. “Never, but I wouldn’t object to you trying to persuade me during our dance. Perhaps you can pull faces to get me to smile.”
He chuckled in relief and offered his arm. I took it and happily allowed him to escort me onto the dance floor. The stares of the crowd intensified, but my attention was only on Aiden. The music began and we spun into a waltz. I immediately looked down at my feet, fearing I’d step on him.
“Keep your head raised,” he whispe
red in my ear. “Trust your fiancé to lead you.”
My heart warmed at the word, a word I had never thought would apply to me. I met his soft gaze. “We’re really to be married, aren’t we?”
“We are. Despite my frequent fears that our union would be impossible now there’s nothing keeping us from being together forever.”
With these beautiful words we melted into our dance, one that was magical and far too short. I noticed every touch and tender look from Aiden, the sensation of him playing with our clasped hands, and the adoration filling his eyes. I was aware of no one but him, even after the last notes of the music faded and our waltz slowed. Each spin on the dance floor reassured me that he was the correct path.
Aiden gave me an affectionate squeeze. “Are you ready?”
I nodded and allowed him to lead me to the two empty thrones on the raised platform. Aiden lifted my hand as he turned us to face the watching crowd. A hush settled over the nobility as they watched us with wide eyes. Aiden wordlessly helped me sit in the empty throne on the right while he took the one on the left.
As I settled against the soft cushions, my nerves melted away, replaced with a sense of calm, and I straightened with a confidence I’d never known. As much as I’d resisted the idea of being a princess, settling into the throne felt so…right, undoubtedly because of the man sitting beside me. How strange that I’d gone from a girl terrified of a future of romance to one who’d found it and now knew I couldn’t live without it.
The king rose from his throne and cast me a long look before he forced a smile for the watching crowd. “My son, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Deidric, has selected his bride. May I present the future crown princess of Sortileya, Princess Eileen.”
My stomach fluttered as everyone bowed and curtsied. Aiden took my hand and gave it an assuring squeeze. I returned it. We smiled at one another and I basked in the love and adoration filling Aiden’s eyes.
I was exactly where I belonged.